This article is from the 1952 Air Trails magazine. We suggest you print yourself a hard copy of this outstanding article and illustrations so you can refer to it whenever you are trimming out your plane.
A great diagram showing the parts of a typical monoplane.
A must read if you are new to balsa model building, here is Dave's list of 15 kits that are quickly built and easily flown.
Lots of building tips for beginners.
Information on what glue to use whilst model building.
Jimmie Allen: A Story About Jimmy Allen Models
Lights: Creating Realistic Navigation Lights
MagnaBoard™ Review
Moses Magnets: Dave's Notes on How to Pick & Install Moses Magnets
Motors: Calculating Motor Size
Now you can determine the optimal motor size for your particular airplane. Thank you Rick Pendzick for sharing this calculator.Note: Microsoft Excel required.
Motors: Calculating Motor Size - method 2Another method to determine motor size. Our thanks to Roger Willis for sharing this calculator. Note: Microsoft Excel required.
Motors: Making a Rubber MotorNose Block: Making a Removable Nose Block & Motor Peg
Recipes: from the Easy Built Kitchen.
Food to fuel the model enthusiast.
Tissue: Chalking Tissue Tutorial
For builder's who would prefer to color their own tissue.
Tom Hallman reveals his secret to a perfect tissue covering.
Tissue: Applying Easy Built Lite SILVER Tissue
TissueCal™ Markings: Application Instructions
TissueCal™ Markings: Full list of available markings.
Custom markings available. Contact Dave for pricing and availablity.
Wire Bending to Make Landing Gear
Wheels: Making Scale Spoked Wheels for Display ModelsIncludes a hobby knife, 5 blades, straight point tweezers, 5.5" x 9" Self Healing Cutting Mat, Jet Instant glue, Jet Super glue, Jet Tips, glue stick, canopy glue/tacky glue, MagnaBoard XL™ set, Minus Magnets 20 pack, and Rubber Powered Model Airplanes book. Save 25% off individually priced items! There is a limit of 2 sets per order.
item B329 Price: $79.95Excludes the book on rubber power and the glue stick. Includes a hobby knife, 5 blades, straight point tweezers, 5.5" x 9" Self Healing Cutting Mat, Jet Instant glue, Jet Super glue, Jet Tips, canopy glue/tacky glue, MagnaBoard XL™ set, and Minus Magnets 20 pack. Save 25% off individually priced items! There is a limit of 2 sets per order.
item B332 Price: $66.95Includes Sanding Stick with 120, 240, 320, 400, and 600 grit belts, Pull Saw Blade, K5 Heavy Duty Knife with beveled blade, Narrow Keyhole Saw Blades 5 pack, Curved Tip Tweezers, 1/16" Ball Tip Burnisher, Jewelers Needle Point Awl, Steel Ruler 6" x 1" with drill gauge, 15 piece drill set (1.05mm - 2mm). Save 30% off individually priced items!
item B330 Price: $45.99Includes a 10:1 winder, moldable nose weight, FAI SuperSport rubber 32 feet each 3/32", 1/8", and 3/16" and 32 feet EBM 1/16" rubber. Save 23% off individually priced items!
item B331 Price: $34.95