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1921 Illinois Model Aero Club

Below are a series of articles generously submitted by Trevor Sproston of Great Britain. Mr. Sproston is a collector of antique books about hobbies. He scanned numerous articles about model airplanes and building techniques from 1920 to 1936. We present them here for your enjoyment. Click on a title to read the article or print it for later. Articles may not be reproduced for sale.

model airplanes images from 1920s and 1930s

Every Boy's Hobby Annual, 1936.

Take Care of the Plane
London to New York in Three Hours!
First Aid for Your Model Plane
Is Your Plane a Record Breaker

model airplanes images from 1920s and 1930s

Every Boy's Hobby Annual, 1934

Amazing Model Planes
Looking After Your Model Plane
Designing a Model Plane

model airplanes images from 1920s and 1930s

Every Boy's Hobby Annual, 1933

Tuning Up Model Plane Motors
Parachutes for Model Planes
A Speedy Paper Model Plane
Designing Model Aeroplanes

Every Boy's Hobby Annual, 1932

How an Aeroplane Works
A Long-Flight Model Sailplane

model airplanes images from 1920s and 1930s

Every Boy's Hobby Annual, 1931

A Long-Flight Model Plane
model airplanes images from 1920s and 1930s

Every Boy's Hobby Annual, 1930

Twin-Screw Racing Monoplane
model airplanes images from 1920s and 1930s

Every Boy's Hobby Annual, 1929

How to Make a Long-Distance Model Monoplane
model airplanes images from 1920s and 1930s

Wonder Book of Aircraft

A Simple Single-Screw Monoplane
model airplanes images from 1920s and 1930s

Every Boy's Hobby Annual, 1928

How to Make and Fly Simple Model Aeroplanes
model airplanes images from 1920s and 1930s

Every Boy's Hobby Annual, 1927

Model Aeroplanes
model airplanes images from 1920s and 1930s

Warne's Pleasure Book for Boys

How Balloons and Airships Fly
model airplanes images from 1920s and 1930s

Everyday Science Annual, January 1921

Model Flying Machines - describes how to build your own wheels followed by a letter sharing some general model airplane building tips.

Everyday Science Annual, February 1921

A Long Distance Biplane

Everyday Science Annual, April 1921

Balsa Wood - notes about materials used to build model airplanes including a revolutionary new material called balsa wood.

Everyday Science Annual, June 1921

Model Airplanes - building your model using balsa wood.

Everyday Science Annual, July 1921

Combined Tractor and Canard

Everyday Science Annual, September 1921

Covering and Proofing Your Model
model airplanes images from 1920s and 1930s model airplanes images from 1920s and 1930s

Every Boy's Hobby Annual published in the 1920s

Model Seaplane
Model Hydroplane or Water Skimmer

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We invite you to submit your old time article, plan, or photo. Please keep in mind that only out-of-copyright or non-copyrighted relevant information will be posted.
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11/28/22 03:56 PM (EST)