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Laser Cut Aircraft Kits

Contest Photos

If you'd like to join the fun these guys and gals are having, it's as close as one of the hundreds of flying clubs around the world. They can be found in every state and they welcome your impromtu visit or membership, it's up to you. All are welcome. To find the one nearest you, email us. shannon@easybuiltmodels.com "It's a privlege knowing these people, and our sons could not have better role models. Keep those photos coming!" - Ann Connelly


The annual October BARRON FIELD AIR RACES hosted by Tom Hallman. Photos by Glenn Simpers.

flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY flying contest October 2021 Wawayanda, NY

"I really enjoyed the Wayway flying last weekend. The weather was great. Everything was spectacularly organized - and the hotdogs were a special treat. Here is a selection of photos I took. I took more shots but how many photos of a plane circling are needed. I didn't capture many of the events and there were many great airplanes to be seen that I missed photographing. I particularly enjoyed the unique underhand launch of Bruce Foster in WW-II, and Wally's in-contest experiments with a one-bladed prop. If we need to identify the people/planes in the photos we can do that. Having Dave from Easybuilt there was great. He was an ambassador for FAC to a steady stream of newcomers throughout the two days. As I walked by he was frequently patiently explaining how the models were built and what someone would need to join in the fun. The only thing he was missing was a building board - as some of his visitors could have built a model in the time they took to discuss them." Glenn Simpers


The annual October BARRON FIELD AIR RACES hosted by Tom Hallman and John Houck. Photos sent in by Ron Gosselin.

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The annual Flying Aces Club OUTDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS in Muncie, Indiana. Photos by Tom Hallman.

Read Tom Hallman's recap of the Muncie contest.

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Half aWake Contest in Kansas City. Photos sent in by Jeff Renz.

"Here are some photos of our Half A Wake Contest. We are the HAFFA club. Heart of America Free Flight Association. We still have a couple members finishing up their Half A Wakes. We keep points and fly against each other once a month. This kit is a blast to build and fly." - Jeff Renz, Overland Park, Kansas

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"The event was Beat Your Span, for any Easy Built kit. The models had to land back on the field for the flight to count, without a DT [dethermalizer]. Jim Alling won with an almost-finished Rearwin Speedster. His best flight was 129 seconds. 2nd was Jim Sprenger with an Auster that went OOS [out of sight] in a thermal in an attempt to catch the leader. Don Smith took 3rd with a Tiger Moth. There were 11 aircraft entered, all but 1 powered by rubber. All types of power systems were allowed, and the model's wingspan was deducted from each flight score to allow even competition between the planes. Your product line is pretty extensive and we wanted to see if we could compete all the sizes against one another. It worked pretty well!" - Dave Gee, Black Sheep Squadron Club president, contest director, and 5th place finisher with my Pitcairn

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S.L.O.W. Race 2010

The object is to successfully, slowly, cross the English Channel (well, actually, the BLUR event course) without getting your feet wet. Slow, steady, and flamboyant wins the race. Contestants Dave Mitchell, Tom Hallman, Orv Humes, John Hauck, Ron Gosselin, Dave Niedzielski and Wally Ferrell.

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Ken Antoine holding his Taylorcraft and Lou Riccardi holding his Skokie enjoy an afternoon of flying at Baron Field in Wawayanda, New York.

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Bob Forbes, Librarian at the Burnsville Public Library, leads free model airplane building classes for local students.

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Fourth Annual Harfang Challenge, Quebec, Canada
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Kudzu Contest, Goldsboro, NC

Read the flight report from John Houck.

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NATS Flying Nationals, July in Geneseo, NY - Mike, Zand, Rich Weber.

Mystery Tailless for everyone!

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Baron Field, Wawayanda, NY - Mass launch on a gorgeous fall day thanks to Tom Hallman, Hun, and the man upstairs.
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Canadian Aviators - Ron, Molly, Octavian, Bernard, and snow!
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Dave Niedzielski, proud papa shows off 2 of his offspring, the Silver Lancer and the Mystery Tailless.
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SW Texas Champs - Mike Midkiff, Mike Eiserman
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Canadian Aviators
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Wawayanda, NY Barron Field, October
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Sky Scrapers of Brooklyn, NY - Ken and Alicia Antoine
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Black Sheep Squadron meet at Grassy Knoll.

Winners of the Rubber Power Easy Built Scale Kit - Don Butman, Dave Gee, and Don Smith

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Muncie, IN in September - Dave Niedzielski and his Gloster Gladiator
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NATS Flying Nationals, July in Geneseo, NY - neither rain nor ...
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Non NATS, Geneseo, NY in July
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September in Muncie, IN
Dave Niedzielski holds his Helldiver
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We invite you to submit photos, notes, and corrections for your flying event. Email to flyingeventphotos@easybuiltmodels.com or send hard copies to:

Easy Built Models
PO Box 681744
Prattville, AL 36068-1744


06/26/24 12:30 PM (EDT)