The Flying Wing is based on a model built by the late Earl VanGorder, a well known Flying Models columnist whose monthly column, Flying Things for Fledglings, was read by many aviation enthusiasts. Designed for tow line gliding, this kit has also been converted to rubber power and electric r/c.
This kit includes a full-size rolled CAD drawn plan, step-by-step building and flying instructions with color photos, laser cut balsa parts, hand-picked balsa strip wood, Tissuecal™ markings, and Easy Built Lite tissue in silver. To build this model you will need a hobby knife, fine sandpaper, building board and glue.
Fitted with a PowerUP electric assist Dave's 1st flight was almost 1 minute.
This model can be modified to fly with rubber power, catapult rubber, towline, or electric assist.
Includes a hobby knife, 5 blades, straight point tweezers, 5.5" x 9" Self Healing Cutting Mat, Jet Instant glue, Jet Super glue, Jet Tips, glue stick, canopy glue/tacky glue, MagnaBoard XL™ set, Minus Magnets 20 pack, and Rubber Powered Model Airplanes book. Save 25% off individually priced items! There is a limit of 2 sets per order.
item B329 Price: $79.95Excludes the book on rubber power and the glue stick. Includes a hobby knife, 5 blades, straight point tweezers, 5.5" x 9" Self Healing Cutting Mat, Jet Instant glue, Jet Super glue, Jet Tips, canopy glue/tacky glue, MagnaBoard XL™ set, and Minus Magnets 20 pack. Save 25% off individually priced items! There is a limit of 2 sets per order.
item B332 Price: $66.95Includes Sanding Stick with 120, 240, 320, 400, and 600 grit belts, Pull Saw Blade, K5 Heavy Duty Knife with beveled blade, Narrow Keyhole Saw Blades 5 pack, Curved Tip Tweezers, 1/16" Ball Tip Burnisher, Jewelers Needle Point Awl, Steel Ruler 6" x 1" with drill gauge, 15 piece drill set (1.05mm - 2mm). Save 30% off individually priced items!
item B330 Price: $45.99Includes a 10:1 winder, moldable nose weight, FAI SuperSport rubber 32 feet each 3/32", 1/8", and 3/16" and 32 feet EBM 1/16" rubber. Save 23% off individually priced items!
item B331 Price: $34.95"Took your flying wing design and modified it for powered flight added a cockpit and wheels. Modified to more or less resemble an experimental army design of around 1945 - the Northrop N9M Flying Wing." - Jim Choquette
Modified for electric r/c flying.
Modified for electric r/c flying.
"Yesterday my son and I went out and gave it her tow line trials. It worked absolutely perfectly! As a matter of fact it got caught up in a tree!" - Matthew Taudevin
"Attached are images of latest model - Indiana Jones version Flying Wing. Modified your wing kit as shown, then used a second kit as mirror bottom to gain depth of model. Was fun to build!" - Jim Choquette