The Super Soarer is a large tow line glider, a 1940's design by Robert Bradford for experienced builders.
What's the difference between kit G-04 Super Soarer and G-04RC Super Soarer? Kit G-04RC is based on the vintage G-04 plan with RC conversion. The RC plane has a straight leading edge, G-04 has a swept back wing. The RC plane includes additional wood for the leading edge of the wing and the control surfaces, plus Easy Hinges, control horns, and screws.
This tow line glider kit includes a full-size rolled plan, printed balsa and hand-picked balsa strip wood, and wire for the tow hook. To build this kit you will need a hobby knife, fine sandpaper, building board set, glue, covering material and a towline.
Includes a hobby knife, 5 blades, straight point tweezers, 5.5" x 9" Self Healing Cutting Mat, Jet Instant glue, Jet Super glue, Jet Tips, glue stick, canopy glue/tacky glue, MagnaBoard XL™ set, Minus Magnets 20 pack, and Rubber Powered Model Airplanes book. Save 25% off individually priced items! There is a limit of 2 sets per order.
item B329 Price: $79.95Excludes the book on rubber power and the glue stick. Includes a hobby knife, 5 blades, straight point tweezers, 5.5" x 9" Self Healing Cutting Mat, Jet Instant glue, Jet Super glue, Jet Tips, canopy glue/tacky glue, MagnaBoard XL™ set, and Minus Magnets 20 pack. Save 25% off individually priced items! There is a limit of 2 sets per order.
item B332 Price: $66.95Includes Sanding Stick with 120, 240, 320, 400, and 600 grit belts, Pull Saw Blade, K5 Heavy Duty Knife with beveled blade, Narrow Keyhole Saw Blades 5 pack, Curved Tip Tweezers, 1/16" Ball Tip Burnisher, Jewelers Needle Point Awl, Steel Ruler 6" x 1" with drill gauge, 15 piece drill set (1.05mm - 2mm). Save 30% off individually priced items!
item B330 Price: $45.99Includes a 10:1 winder, moldable nose weight, FAI SuperSport rubber 32 feet each 3/32", 1/8", and 3/16" and 32 feet EBM 1/16" rubber. Save 23% off individually priced items!
item B331 Price: $34.95"Thought maybe you would like to see the pics of my FF Super Soarer, which I converted to RC a while back as a semi-scale model of a Reiher sailplane. It flies great on the slope! It was rather a long journey that involved two steps, years apart...First, converting it from free flight to RC. building thread And then later I thought it deserved to look better, so I converted it into something that looked like a Reiher building thread " - Brett Jaffee Below is a little video of a touch and go on the slope.